- Teach me Thy best that all the world may know
What it is to have come from thee,
Teach me that I into the world may go,
Struggling ever for the fame, Igbobi
Refrain: Give me a torch, which shall shine
And pour on all afar and near
Its radiance divine,
Let hill and vale these tidings bear,
“Wherever there’s an Igbobian,
There also is a noble Nigerian.”
- Teach me that I the word of God mighty to save
Everyone from lure of sin and sty
Teach me that I may grow up kind and brave
Self-denying for the poor and needy
Refrain: Give me a torch, which shall shine
- Give me much knowledge necessary for bliss
As will make my life’s career a jewel
Not only subject called humanities
But those called the sciences must join in
Refrain: Give me a torch, which shall shine
- Teach me those habits of a gentleman
As will make me clean and quick and clear
Teach me to play my part well in a plan
And in sports to win or lose with fair cheer
Refrain: Give me a torch, which shall shine
- So shall it be that having learnt thy best
I shall proudly claim to have come from thee
And when from thee into the world I’ve passed
I will struggle for my fame, Igbobi
Refrain: Give me a torch, which shall shine
Words By: O. O. Oruwari (1943 set)
Music By: H. J. E. Nelson-Williams (1944 set)