ICOBA Constitution



The Association shall be known as IGBOBI COLLEGE OLD BOYS’ ASSOCIATION (ICOBA) hereinafter referred to as “The Association”.


The registered Office which shall also be the National Secretariat of the Association shall be at ICOBA House, Igbobi College, Yaba, Lagos hereinafter referred to as “ICOBA House”


The objectives of the Association shall be to formulate, adopt and promote such measures and principles that will:

  1. Facilitate such social interaction among Old Igbobians as will ensure the continued reflection in their lives, of the religious, moral and other noble ideals for which the College stands;
  2. Keep alive the affection which every Old Igbobian has in the affairs of the College by keeping him well informed of the general progress of the College and encouraging him to contribute morally and financially towards such progress;
  3. Encourage the management, staff and students of the College to maintain the ideals of the College and to offer their best services in the overall interest of the College;
  4. Achieve such further objectives as the Association may from time to time determine.


  1. Membership of the Association shall be open to all those who attended the College as an enrolled student, and who shall have spent at least one academic year attending classes in the College.
  1. A Financial member shall be a member who has paid the Annual Subscription of the Association or such other sum as the Annual General Meeting may decide from time to time. This amount shall become due on 1st April of every year.


  1. The Trustees of IGBOBI COLLEGE OLD BOYS’ ASSOCIATION for the purpose of the Companies and Allied Matters Act 2020 shall be appointed at a General Meeting of the Association with a simple majority of the votes of the members present;
  1. Such Trustees (hereinafter referred to as The Trustees) shall be five (5) in number and shall be known as “THE REGISTERED TRUSTEES OF IGBOBI COLLEGE OLD BOYS’ ASSOCIATION”;
  1. A Trustee must have attended Igbobi College and belong to a Set that passed out of the School, not less than forty-five (45) years before and must have served ICOBA either as President, Vice President, National Executive Council member, or Branch Chairman
  1. The Board of Trustees (BOT) may however recommend an Old Igbobian with exceptional qualities for appointment as a Trustee, for ratification by a simple majority of votes of the members present at a General Meeting of the Association even though such Old Igbobian does not meet the qualification stipulated in clause C above.
  1. The Trustees shall hold office for 20 years in the first instance renewable for subsequent terms of five (5) years but a Trustee ceases to hold office if he:
  2. resigns his office
  3. becomes mentally incapacitated
  • is officially declared bankrupt
  1. is convicted of a criminal offence by a Court of competent jurisdiction
  2. is recommended for removal from office by other Trustees and such recommendation is approved by a majority of votes cast by members present at any General Meeting of the Association
  1. Upon a vacancy occurring in the number of Trustees, the National Executive Council (NEC) may recommend an eligible Old Igbobian to the Board of Trustees for nomination by the Trustees to the General Meeting of the Association to ratify, with a simple majority of votes of the members present.
  1. The Trustees shall have a Common Seal.
  2. The Common Seal of the Trustees shall have the following design “circular design with the crest/logo of the College in the centre and the name of the Association written round it”
  • Such Common Seal shall be kept in the custody of the ICOBA President
  1. All documents to be executed by the Trustees shall be signed by at least 3 Trustees and sealed with the Common Seal.
  3. In furtherance of the Aims and Objectives of the Association as contained in Article 3 above, the Association shall acquire any property or properties as it considers necessary for the realization or promotion of these aims and objectives and such properties shall be vested in the Trustees.
  4. The Trustees by virtue of the grant of certificate of incorporation under Part F of  the Companies and Allied Matters Act 2020, become a body corporate by the name described on the certificate and shall have perpetual succession and power to sue and be sued in such corporate name and, subject to any conditions and directions contained in the said certificate, hold and acquire and by instrument under their common seal convey, assign, demise any land or any interest therein now or hereafter, belonging to or held for the benefit of the Association.

The Trustees shall have the following powers in addition to any powers given them by law, that is to say:

  1. To hold and administer the property of the Association
  1. To borrow, raise money, secure its borrowings and discharge any debt or obligation binding on the Association in such manner as may be thought fit and in particular by mortgages and charges upon the undertakings and all or any of the properties and assets (present and future) of the Association or by the creation and issue on such terms as may be thought to be expedient debenture, debenture stock or other obligations or securities of any description.
  • To receive Quarterly Reports on the activities of ICOBA from the ICOBA President,
  1. To act as the ultimate Mediation & Reconciliation Body of the Association
  1. To dissolve or suspend the National Executive Council where there is obvious rancour within the NEC that impedes its functionality and it considers it in the best interest of ICOBA to do so.
  1. Also, in the event of circumstances of large scale/widespread discord within the Association, the BOT shall invoke the provisions of (v) above to suspend or dissolve the NEC
  • Upon the dissolution or suspension of the NEC, the Board of Trustees shall have the power to appoint a Caretaker Committee to run the Association for a period not exceeding one hundred and eighty (180) days. The appointment of the Caretaker Committee shall be subject to ratification by a simple majority of the members at an Extra Ordinary or General Meeting to take place within 90 days from the dissolution or suspension of the NEC.
  1. Meetings of the Board of Trustees

The Trustees shall appoint one of themselves as Chairman who shall preside over all meetings of the BOT.

  1. The Chairman shall be responsible for convening all meetings of the BOT
  2. The BOT shall have the powers to regulate the frequency, Agenda and mode of their meetings provided that not less than two (2) meetings of the BOT shall be held within each Financial Year of the Association

The quorum shall be 3 members present at the commencement of the meeting, provided the number does not drop below 2 members throughout the meeting.



  1. National Executive Council (NEC)
  2. There shall be a National Executive Council (NEC) which shall be responsible for coordinating all activities of the Association and shall be the umbrella body for all Igbobians from Branches and Sets.
  3. Members of the NEC shall be elected as provided for in this Constitution
  1. Branches:

A branch shall;


  1.   be city-based in Nigeria and country or continent-based outside Nigeria
  2.  have no less than twenty-five (25) members which shall cut across different Sets
  3.  existing Branches are exempted from the provisions in (b) above
  4.  be bound by the provisions of the Constitution of ICOBA
  1. There shall not be more than one Branch in any city or continent

iii. All Old Igbobians within the jurisdiction of a Branch shall belong to that Branch

  1. The head of a Branch shall be known and addressed as the Branch Chairman
  2. A branch shall remit a sum fixed by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to the National Treasurer, as its annual dues under this Constitution.
  3. All Igbobians within the jurisdiction of a Branch may pay their Annual Individual dues to the Branch, and such dues shall be immediately forwarded to the National Treasurer with the names of Payees by the Chairman of the Branch.

vii. Every Branch shall have the power to run its activities in accordance with its own Articles of Association provided that whenever or wherever the provisions of such Articles of Association run contrary to the provisions of this Constitution the latter shall to the extent of that inconsistency, be supreme.

viii. The formation of a Branch shall be communicated to the NEC within three (3) months of its existence.

  1. The Branch shall forward the details of its current Officers to the Secretary-General at the beginning of every Calendar year.
  2. The Chairman of the Branch shall forward the details of its current financial members to the National Treasurer at the beginning of each calendar year and whenever requested by the NEC.
  1. Class Sets shall:
  2. comprise of members who shall have been enrolled into/or have left the College in specific years
  3. be bound by the provisions of the Constitution of ICOBA

iii. the head of a Class Set shall be known and addressed as the Set Chairman

  1. may have only one Executive Committee that will relate with the ICOBA Secretariat. Where there is a sizeable number of members of a Set within a locality, it can, for administrative convenience, choose Officers to run its affairs. However, such group shall be affiliated to the main Set Executive
  2. All Igbobians within the jurisdiction of a Class Set shall pay their Individual dues to the Class Set, and the Chairman of the Class Set shall immediately forward such dues to the National Treasurer with the names of the Payees.
  3. remit a sum fixed by the AGM to the National Treasurer, as its annual dues under this Constitution

vii. have the power to run its activities in accordance with its own Articles of Association provided that whenever or wherever the provisions of such Articles of Association run contrary to the provisions of this Constitution the latter shall be supreme.

viii. The formation of the Class Set shall be communicated to the NEC through the Secretary-General within three (3) months of its existence

  1. The Class Set shall forward the details of its current Officers to the Secretary General at the beginning of every Calendar year.
  2. The Chairman of the Class Set shall forward the details of its financial members to the National Treasurer at the beginning of each calendar year and whenever requested by the NEC.
  1. D. All Branches and Class Sets should not do anything contrary to the guidelines set by the NEC.



The National Officers of the Association who shall be elected as provided for in this Constitution, and shall collectively be known as the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL are:

  1. The President
  2. The 1st Vice President

iii. The 2nd Vice President

  1. The Secretary-General
  2. The 1st Assistant Secretary-General
  3. The 2nd Assistant Secretary-General

vii. The Treasurer

viii. The Financial Secretary

  1. The Assistant Financial Secretary
  2. The Social Secretary
  3. The Assistant Social Secretary

xii. The Publicity Secretary

xiii. The Assistant Publicity Secretary

xiv. The Decades Representatives

  1. The Chairmen of ICOBA Branches

xvi. 2 Ex-Officio members

  1. TENURE:

The tenure of office of an elected member of the National Executive Council (NEC) shall be for two (2) years provided that the officer may be re-elected to the same office for one other term of two (2) years only.



  1. The President shall –
  2. Convene meetings of the Association in accordance with the Constitution
  3. Approve the Agenda for all meetings

iii. Preside over all meetings of the Association

  1. Authorize the use of funds of the Association subject to the approval of the NEC.
  2. Supervise and coordinate the activities of all other Officers of the Association in the performance of their duties
  3. Appoint members into Standing and Ad-hoc Committees in conjunction with the other members of the NEC

vii. Delegate responsibilities to the other Officers as necessary.

  1. The1st Vice President shall –
  2. Assist the President in the discharge of his duties
  3. Carry out functions and assignments as may be delegated by the President.
  1. The 2nd Vice President shall –
  2. Assist the President in the discharge of his duties
  3. Carry out functions and assignments as may be delegated by the President.
  1. The Secretary-General shall –
  2. Convene meetings of the Association at the instance of the President
  3. Prepare the Agenda for meetings in conjunction with the President

iii. Record and keep the Minutes of all meetings of the Association; maintain an accurate database of all members of the Association and act generally as the Custodian of records

  1. Keep imprest of an amount to be determined by the NEC for the running of the ICOBA Secretariat
  2. Carry out such other functions as may be delegated by the President.
  1. The Assistant Secretaries-General shall –
  2. Assist the Secretary-General in the performance of his functions and act for him in his absence
  3. Carry out such other functions as may be delegated by the President.
  1. The Treasurer shall –
  2. Receive all monies on behalf of the Association and deposit same in the name of the Association in the Association’s bank account/s on the next working day after receiving such monies
  3. Be responsible for the custody and management of the Association’s funds

iii.  Interface with the Association’s Bankers

  1. Keep an inventory of the Association’s assets and her Audit records
  2. Prepare and report to the NEC, the Association’s regular Financial documents and Statements in respect of Treasury activities
  3. Maintain the books and records of receipts, disbursements, bank deposits, bank statements and financial reports of income and expenses

vii. Submit annually to the Auditor not later than the 31st of March of the following year all books of account and other documents required by them

viii. Present his report together with an audited account to the Annual General Meeting

  1. Carry out such other functions as may be delegated by the President.
  1. The Financial Secretary shall –
  2. collect Branch, Set and Individual subscriptions, dues, levies, fines and other monies as defined by the Association from time to time and keep a regular record of such collections
  3. hand over all monies received on behalf of the Association to the Treasurer immediately after collection or so soon thereafter where the Treasurer is not immediately available

iii. collaborate with the Treasurer to prepare and draft annual budget of the Association and forward to the NEC.

  1. keep accurate financial records of the Association and collect all monies of the Association and hand over same to the Treasurer promptly
  2. make available books of account both to the NEC on request and the external auditor appointed by the Association
  3. keep a clean record of all receipts, all disbursements, and all such transfers, which have been duly signed by both the Treasurer and the Financial Secretary.

vii. report to the Association, the state of the Association’s bank account/s

viii. notify the Secretary-General when a member is not financially compliant with the requirements of his membership status

  1. distribute to the membership a semi-annual statement of all of the Association’s financial activities and each member’s financial accounts
  2. ensure that a current statement of the Association’s financial activities and every member’s financial accounts are available for review upon demand
  3. submit the end of the year Financial Report to the NEC for approval and submission to the Auditors

xii. present the end of year Financial Report to the Annual General Meeting

xiii. carry out such other functions as may be delegated by the President.

  1. The Assistant Financial Secretary shall –
  2. Assist the Financial Secretary in the performance of his functions and act for him in his absence.
  3. carry out such specific functions as may be delegated by the Financial Secretary

iii. carry out such other functions as may be delegated by the President.

  1. The Social Secretary shall –
  2. organise all social and welfare activities of the Association
  3. execute such activities as contained in (I) above under the general or specific direction of the NEC or the President

iii. carry out such other functions as may be delegated by the President

  1. The Assistant Social Secretary shall –
  2. Assist the Social Secretary in the performance of his functions and act for him in his absence
  3. carry out such specific functions as may be delegated by the Social Secretary and assist him in the performance of his duties.

iii. carry out such other functions as may be delegated by the President.

  1. The Publicity Secretary shall –
  2. publicise the activities of the Association and be responsible for its corporate branding and image
  3. enhance the standard and good name of the School and the Association

iii. carry out such other functions as may be delegated by the President.

  1. The Assistant Publicity Secretary shall –
  2. assist the Publicity Secretary in the performance of his functions and act for him in his absence.
  3. carry out such specific functions as may be delegated by the Publicity Secretary

iii. carry out such other functions as may be delegated by the President.

  1. The Decades Representatives shall –
  2. manage the decade groups with support of the Sets’ Chairmen, maintaining a database within the decade groups to ensure that they are operating in an efficient and effective manner in advancing ICOBA goals and objectives
  3. develop and maintain an annual plan outlining the goals and objectives of the decade groups aimed at maximizing the Alumni interest in and involvement with ICOBA activities

iii. develop and maintain a Decade Alumni network, acting as the liaison with the NEC

  1. carry out such other functions as may be delegated by the President
  1. The Chairmen of Branches shall –
  2. manage the affairs of their respective branches, maintaining a database within the branch groups to ensure that they are operating in an efficient and effective manner in advancing ICOBA goals and objectives
  3. develop and maintain an annual plan outlining the goals and objectives of the branch aimed at maximizing the Alumni interest in and involvement with ICOBA activities

iii. develop and maintain a Branch Alumni network, acting as the liaison with the NEC

  1. carry out such other functions as may be delegated by the President
  1. The Ex-Officio members
  2. There shall be two (2) Ex-Officio members of the NEC
  3. These shall be the immediate Past President and the immediate Past 1st Vice President

iii. They will advise the President and Council as the need arises

  1. They will carry out such other functions as may be delegated by the President



  1. The management of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in the National Executive Council herein after referred to as (NEC) and shall consist of:
  2. All elected National Officers;
  3. Immediate Past President and Immediate Past 1st Vice   President;
  4. Branch Chairmen
  5. Decades Representatives elected from among class Sets present at the Annual General Meeting or co-opted thereafter by the NEC.
  1. NEC shall have power to establish Standing and Ad hoc Committees and to co-opt members to serve on such Committees.

iii. NEC shall have power to make rules and regulations for the day-to-day management of the Association’s affairs not inconsistent with this Constitution.

  1. The President or any one of the Vice Presidents shall preside at all meetings of the NEC
  2. The NEC shall meet as often as the business of the Association shall require but not less than six (6) times in a year
  3. The quorum for the NEC Meeting shall consist of the President or any one of the Vice Presidents, the Secretary General or one of the Assistant Secretaries General and three (3) other members of NEC

ARTICLE 10:    


All meetings of the Association shall be by physical or virtual presence. No proxies shall be admitted.

  2. The Annual General Meeting (hereinafter referred to as AGM) of the Association shall be held at a chosen venue with the approval of NEC, and except in unforeseen circumstances, on the 3rd Saturday in September provided that in the event that that date is unattainable, there shall not be a gap of more than fifteen (15) months between one AGM and the next.
  3. For every Annual General Meeting the Secretary General shall give members not less than twenty-one (21) days’ notice.

iii. The quorum for the A.G.M shall consist of the President, the Secretary General or one of the Assistant Secretaries General, at least five (5) other members of NEC and twenty-five (25) others who are not members of NEC

  1. The Annual General meeting shall:
  2. Receive the President’s Address
  3. Receive the Minutes of the last AGM/GM
  4. Receive and discuss reports from the Secretary General and the Treasurer,
  5. Debate and pass resolutions on any policy matters affecting the Association and/or the College;
  6. Do any such other business as the Constitution enjoins or permits.
  8. The Secretary-General in consultation with the President, may summon an Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the Association whenever necessary
  9. The Secretary-General in consultation with the President, shall summon an Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the Association within 21 days of the receipt by him of a written request signed by not less than 20 financial members of the Association.

iii. For such Extra Ordinary General meeting, the Secretary-General shall give not less than fourteen (14) days’ notice.

  1. The subject to be discussed at an EGM shall be stated in such notice.
  2. The quorum at an EGM meeting shall be the same as for the AGM/GM, except that one of the Vice-Presidents can stand in for the President for the purpose of forming a quorum.

ARTICLE 11:    


  1. The financial year of the Association shall commence on 1st April and end on 31st March of the following year.
  2. The Association’s finances shall include subscriptions, dues, donations, contributions, special levies, gifts, endowments and profits from commercial ventures.
  3. The AGM/GM shall determine dues payable by individuals from time to time and shall give special consideration to individuals who are financial members of Branches
  4. The funds of the Association shall be lodged with reputable banks to be appointed by the NEC
  5. The Signatories to the Association’s accounts shall be:

The President

The Secretary General

The Treasurer

Any two (2) signatories one of whom shall be the Treasurer shall operate the Association’s accounts.

  1. The NEC shall have power to:
  2. Institute a levy in furtherance of the activities of the Association subject only to the approval by majority vote of members present and voting at a General Meeting of the Association.
  3. Receive gifts and donations on behalf of the Association.

ARTICLE 12:    


  1. The Annual General Meeting shall appoint an Auditor to audit its accounts annually
  2. No Auditor may serve for more than 10 years.
  3. The Auditor shall be a Professional Chartered Accountant with a Practicing License from a Professional Accounting Body in NIGERIA.
  4. The Auditor shall be a Professional Accountant with a minimum of 10 years Audit experience.
  5. Be resident in Nigeria.
  6. The Auditor shall audit the accounts of the Association and present a written report thereof to the Annual General Meeting through the Treasurer, and such Audit Report shall be completed by 30th of June of every year.



  1. The President:

The 1st Vice President shall automatically succeed to the Office of the President provided that:

  1. He must have served in that capacity (as 1st Vice President) for at least four (4) years
  2. Be resident in Nigeria
  1. Aspirant to the Office of the 1st Vice Presidentshall
  2. Have been an active member of the NEC for at least, four (4) years or have served ICOBA in the position of the Chairman of a Branch or Chairman of a recognized ICOBA Standing Committee and shall belong to a Set that passed out of the College no less than 30 years before.
  3. Be resident in Nigeria
  1. Aspirant to the Office of the 2nd Vice Presidentshall:
  2. Be an active member of a branch and is so nominated by the particular branch
  3. Be a holder or must have been a holder of the position of Chairman of a Branch
  1. Aspirant to any of the National Executive Council Officesshall:
  2. Be a Financial Member of ICOBA
  1. Without prejudice to the provisions in Article 14 of this Constitution, every Igbobian who satisfies 4(a) shall be qualified to seek election into the National Executive Council provided:
  2. he had not previously resigned from the same Office
  3. is not officially declared bankrupt
  4. is not convicted of a criminal offence by a Court of competent jurisdiction



  1. A National Officer shall cease to hold office if he:
  2. resigns his office
  3. ceases to be an active financial member
  4. ceases to be a member of ICOBA
  5. becomes mentally incompetent
  6. is officially declared bankrupt
  7. is convicted of a crime or other offence by a Court of competent jurisdiction
  8. is recommended for removal from office by a simple majority vote of the members present and voting at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.
  1. Casual Vacancy
  2. In the event of a vacancy, the NEC shall recommend a replacement for the consideration and approval of the Board of Trustees
  3. such an Officer shall hold Office until the next General Meeting of the Association.



Election of Officers of the Association shall be held at intervals of two (2) years.

  1. Electoral Committee

There shall be an Electoral Committee as follows:

  1. The NEC shall nominate members, including the Chairman for the ratification of the General Meeting, at least 12 months before the next General Election
  2. It shall have Seven (7) members who must generally reflect the broad membership of the Association
  3. Each member MUST satisfy the provisions in Article 13 (4) and (5) of this Constitution
  4. A member cannot stand for election as a National Officer of ICOBA throughout the duration of his assignment
  5. The Committee shall be in place for two (2) Election Cycles.
  6. The Electoral Committee shall have the power to make specific rules and guidelines for nomination of candidates and for the conduct of elections, provided that such rules and guidelines shall not be in conflict with any of the provisions made herein.
  7. The Electoral Committee shall have the power to enforce provisions of This Article 15. It shall also have power to mete out sanctions to All or Any of the candidates who violate any of the provisions of this Article, including but not limited to disqualification from the electoral process.
  8. Appeals against the decision of the Electoral Committee in all matters relating to the organisation and conduct of the elections including the declaration of the Results and handing out of corrective and disciplinary measures to all candidates SHALL be made to the Board of Trustees within Seven (7) days of the decision.
  9. The BOT shall, within 48 hours of the receipt of such Petition, deliberate on it and make its decision(s) known in not more than thirty (30) days from the date of the petition. Such decision(s) SHALL BE FINAL
  10. The Electoral Committee shall put up Notices on the ICOBA website, Secretariat Notice Board(s), and send same to all Old Igbobians listed on the ICOBA Database, Class-Sets and Branches representatives listed in the Secretariat’s directory, requesting for nominations into the executive positions of the Association, not less than forty-five (45) days before the upcoming election
  11. Candidates MUST obtain and complete an Intention-to-Contest/Nomination Form that shall be designed by the Electoral Committee, requesting detailed information about the candidates, including a Portrait Photograph, and Names and School-Sets of the proposer and seconder of the candidate.
  12. The Candidate’s nomination must be endorsed the Chairman of his Branch or Class Set, certifying that he is in good financial standing and that the majority of the Branch or Class Set have endorsed his candidacy to such a position in the National Executive Council. The Chairman of Branch or Class Set cannot endorse more than one candidate for each position on the NEC. In the case of the second Vice President, a Candidate for the office must be endorsed by his Branch Chairman, who may not endorse more than one Candidate for the office.
  13. Completed Intention-to-Contest/Nomination Form MUST be sent to the Electoral Committee at electoralcommittee@icobainternational.org OR to the Chairman, ICOBA Electoral Committee, ICOBA HOUSE, Lagos and SHALL be accompanied by a complete Resume/CV and a 5’’x7’’ Portrait Photograph of the Nominee.
  14. Nominations SHALL close 0.00 HRS Nigerian Time, seventeen (17) days before the date of the election.
  15. The Resume/CV of each candidate SHALL be displayed on the ICOBA website and Secretariat Notice Board(s) from the close of nominations till 0.00 HRS on the day of Elections (i.e. 17 days).
  16. All Old Igbobians who are RESIDENT in Nigeria are eligible to stand for election into all the positions in the ICOBA Executive Council, except the post of 2nd Vice President which is open to all the ICOBA Branches in Nigeria and Overseas
  17. Campaigns shall open 0.00 HRS Nigerian Time, fourteen (14) calendar days before the date of election
  18. Mode of campaigns shall be limited to the use of the internet, and SHALL under no circumstances take place on the college premises. Radio, Television, Newspapers, Magazines, Posters and Handbills SHALL NOT BE used for campaigns
  19. Candidates and their proxies SHALL maintain Decorum and Decency before, during and after the elections.
  20. Voting SHALL be by Secret Ballot either physically at the election venue or Online via the ICOBA website
  21. Online voting shall COMMENCE at 0.00 HRS Nigerian Time and CLOSE at 12.00 HRS Nigerian Time on the day of elections, to allow for the Annual General Meeting. Thereafter, Online voting shall REOPEN at 14.00HRS Nigerian Time and END at 16.00 HRS same day. The Chairman of the Electoral Committee or his nominee, who MUST be a member of the Electoral Committee SHALL announce the results of the elections to members present at the AGM at the close of polling and results MUST also be posted on the ICOBA website thereafter.  
  22. Only financial members of the Association shall be entitled to propose and second nominees, vote, and be-voted for.



  1. There shall be an independent Standing Disciplinary Committee set up by the NEC to consider all cases of indiscipline within the Association
  2. The Committee’s powers of administration shall be subject to relevant provisions of the Constitution and extend to all matters including the hearing and administration of any grievance or disciplinary matters relating to the conduct of all officers and members of the Association and the general enforcement of its rules and regulations

iii. The Committee will consist of five (5) members none of whom shall be a member of the NEC.

  1. It shall also invite a member from the erring member’s Branch/Set for the purpose of that particular case as an observer
  2. The Chairman of the Committee shall be appointed by the NEC
  3. The Committee shall determine appropriate processes to administer grievance and disciplinary matters

vii. Any member of the Association whose activity, covert, overt and/or otherwise, contravenes the aims and objectives of the Association shall be subject to discipline by the Disciplinary Committee on the recommendation of the NEC

viii. Decisions of the Committee shall be established by simple majority. Where there is a tie, the chairman of the committee shall have the casting vote

  1. Appeals from decisions of the Disciplinary Committee shall lie to the adhoc Appeal Committee made up of one member each from the BOT, NEC and any 3 members of ICOBA of impeccable and good standing nominated by NEC.
  2. The tenure of members of the Disciplinary Committee shall be three (3) years.



  1. There are two categories of awards – ICOBA Merit Awards and ICOBA Lifetime Awards
  2. The ICOBA Merit Award is the Highest Honour conferred on any individual by ICOBA
  3. The ICOBA Merit Awards and the ICOBA Lifetime Award are exclusive brands of the National Executive Council and no Branch or Set may confer any parallel honour by that name or similar name in whatever guise but this does not preclude Branches and Sets from giving out honours

iii. Only ICOBA Merit Awards-given medallions can be worn at ICOBA National events

  1. The ICOBA Merit Awards shall have the following categories:
  2. Service to ICOBA
  3. Service to Igbobi College
  4. Service to the Nation
  5. Professional Excellence
  6. Academic Achievement
  7. The National Executive Committee may confer individual recognition or honours such as a “Lifetime Achievement Award” on any deserving Igbobian as it may deem fit from time to time. This shall be separate and distinct from THE ICOBA MERIT AWARD
  1. There shall be an ICOBA Merit Awards Committee to be appointed by the National Executive Council at its first Business Meeting of the year
  2. All recommendations must come through Branches and Sets except in cases where the Nominee’s Set does not meet formally. In such a case, at least three (3) members of his Set must sign the Nomination.
  3. The National Executive Council shall have the power to nominate an Old Igbobian for an ICOBA Merit Award in any of the above categories and non-Igbobians only in the categories of: Service to Igbobi College and Service to ICOBA
  4. Such candidate will NOT require the approval of a branch or a Set, provided the National Executive finds such candidate worthy of an ICOBA Award.
  5. The ICOBA Merit Award and ICOBA Lifetime Award recipients shall henceforth be recognized on any official ICOBA publication with the appellate of their awards after their names. For ICOBA Merit Award recipients, the appellate shall be (imr) and for ICOBA Lifetime Award recipients, the appellate shall be (ilr).



  1. Members shall conform with the ICOBA Brand Manual as produced by NEC and reviewed from time to time.
  2. Any Branch, Set or Individual wishing to sell memorabilia must receive the express approval of the NEC without prejudice to (1) above



There shall be an ICOBA Endowment Fund Committee, at all times, created by this Constitution with the objective of raising funds and investing funds to support the programmes of the Association.  

  1. The NEC shall appoint an Endowment Fund Committee to raise funds for the Association
  2. The members of the Endowment Fund Committee shall be 9 in number, which shall include the 1st Vice President.

iii. The Chairman and members of the Endowment Fund Committee shall be matured Old Igbobians, and of impeccable character with experience in raising funds and accessing investment opportunities.

  1. The NEC shall recommend the members from the pool of reputable and capable Old Igbobians who shall be ratified by a majority of Old Igbobians present at a General Meeting of the Association.
  2. The tenure of the appointment into the Endowment Fund Committee shall be 5 years with an option of renewal for only one more term except in the case of the 1st Vice President, who shall serve only during his tenure as 1st Vice President.
  3. Upon vacancy in the membership of the Endowment Fund Committee (EFC), the NEC shall nominate an eligible ICOBA member for ratification by a simple majority of the members present at the next General Meeting of the Association.

vii. The Endowment Fund Committee shall work with the BOT and NEC in the discharge of its duties.

viii. The Endowment Fund Committee shall submit half yearly reports to both the BOT and the NEC. However, in the event of any disagreement between the EFC and the NEC as to the utilization of monies in the fund, the BOT’s directive(s) shall prevail



Except as otherwise provided for in this Constitution, all decisions of the Association, the National Executive Council, Committees or Sub-committees shall be by a simple majority vote of members present and voting at such a meeting.



  1. Without prejudice to the provisions of this Constitution, all Regulations made by the National Executive Council and approved by the Trustees, shall be binding on all members of this Association
  2. Any question concerning the interpretation of this Constitution and any case not provided for by this Constitution, shall be referred to the Trustees whose decision shall be final



  1. The Constitution may be amended in whole or in part but any such alteration, addition or amendment must be by a resolution passed by a simple majority of the members of the Association present and voting at any General Meeting of the Association PROVIDED that no amendment requiring statutory approval shall have effect without the consent of the appropriate authority.
  2. Any proposed alteration to this Constitution shall be notified to the Trustees through the Secretary-General and shall be displayed over the signature of the Proponent on the ICOBA website and any other Official platform of the Association, at least fourteen (14) days before a General Meeting of the Association



The Income And Property Of IGBOBI COLLEGE OLD BOYS’ ASSOCIATION from wheresoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objectives of the ASSOCIATION as set forth in this Constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus, or otherwise however by way of profit, to the members of the ASSOCIATION.

PROVIDED that nothing herein shall prevent the payment, in good faith, or reasonable and proper remuneration to any officer or servant of the ASSOCIATION in return for any service actually rendered to the Association: but so that no member of the BOT, NEC or other Governing Body shall be appointed to any salaried office of the ASSOCIATION by fees, and that no remuneration or other benefits in money or monies worth shall be given by the ASSOCIATION to any member of such Council or Governing Body except in repayment of out-of-pocket expenses or reasonable and proper rent for premises demised, or let to ASSOCIATION or reasonable fees for services rendered. provided that the provision last aforesaid shall not apply to any payment of any Company to a member of the ASSOCIATION being a Company in which such member shall not hold more than one-hundred part of the capital, and such members shall not be bound to account for any share of profits he may receive in respect of any such payment.

NO Addition, Alteration or Amendment shall be made to this Constitution or in the RULES AND REGULATIONS for the time being in force, unless the same have been previously submitted to and approved by the Registrar General, Corporate Affairs Commission.  In the event of a WINDING UP or Dissolution of the Association, if there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall be given or transferred to the IGBOBI COLLEGE Board of Governors. If effect cannot be given to the aforesaid provisions, then the remaining property shall be transferred to some other Charitable Organization.



All Officers of the Association holding office immediately before the coming into operation of this Constitution shall be deemed to be Officers of the Association under this Constitution.



In this Constitution, unless the context otherwise requires, the expression:

  2. “President” means President, IGBOBI COLLEGE OLD BOYS’ ASSOCIATION
  3. “Secretary” means Secretary General, IGBOBI COLLEGE OLD BOYS’ ASSOCIATION
  4. “Executive Council” (EC/NEC) means Executive Council/ National Executive Council.
  5. “School” or “College” shall mean “Igbobi College”



THIS CONSTITUTION was adopted at the Annual General Meeting of the Igbobi College Old Boys’ Association held on Saturday, Twenty-sixth of September, Twenty-twenty (26-09-2020) and deemed to have come into effect from Sunday, Twenty-seventh of September, Twenty-twenty (27-09-2020). 

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